Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Unity Ceremonies

There are so many forms of unity ceremonies that I have decided to take some of my next few posts to explain the different types there are - some are common, some are not, some of religious, some are ethnic, but all symbolize the unity of marriage.

My first will the the traditional Unity Candles.  

Instead of explaining in words, I've posted a video from - she does a good job explaining that its not purely for a religious purpose, as well as the how-to of the ceremony itself.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Don't Forget the Groomsmen!

Before I really got into the research aspect, I used to believe that the groomsmen just stood up at the church and looked handsome for everyone... little did I know they actually have a few expectations...So for those of you out there like me who may not have known, heres a list of their traditional "expectations."

  •  Lighting the aisle candelabra 15 minutes before the ceremony
  • Seating guests
  • Taking down pew ribbons as the pews are needed
  • Putting the aisle runner in position and removing it after the ceremony
  • Participating in the processional and recessional
  • Escorting the bride’s and groom’s parents out, then dismissing one aisle at a time after the ceremony
  • Dancing with the bride and bridesmaids

Monday, April 25, 2011

Destination Wedding Welcome Bags

Planning a Destination Wedding? Heres a few ideas on what to welcome your guests with, just fill an expensive bag or box:

  • Edibles
  • Souvenir
  • Pampering product
  • Toy
  • Map or guide book
  • Personalized item from the bride and groom
  • Welcome note
  • Itinerary for the wedding activities
  • Stamped picture postcard of the area
  •  Contact information

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bridesmaids Beware!

As a wedding planner, I have heard of (and seen) my fair share of bridesmaid horror stories.  Whether they're complaining about the dress, making the show "about them" or just not offering help at all...heres a list of general "tasks" that traditionally bridesmaids have been responsible for.

Pre-Wedding Tasks
  •        Attend dress fittings and ensure their alterations are completed on time.
  •        Attend the wedding shower the bachelorette party and assist in planning these events if needed.
  •        Spread the word about the shower, the bachelorette party, and about where the couple has set up a gift registry
  •        Attend the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner
  •        Helps address invitations for the wedding and the shower, if needed.

Day-of Tasks – Before the Ceremony
  •        Attend the pre-wedding breakfast, if there is one planned
  •        Run any last-minute errands the bride needs help with
  •        Help decorate the reception hall, if needed
  •        Attend hair and makeup appointments
  •        Get dressed on time, and help the bride get ready if the maid of honor needs assistance
  •        Participate in any pre-ceremony photograph sessions that have been scheduled

Day-of Tasks – After the Ceremony and During the Reception
  •        Pose for photographs with the rest of the wedding party. Also help round up relatives and other members of the wedding party to pose for photos.
  •        Stand in the receiving ling, or mingle and introduce guests to each other while the bride and groom finish taking photographs.
  •        Get the bride water, food, or anything else she needs throughout the reception, since she’ll probably be too busy to think of these things herself.
  •        Troubleshoot any problems that happen, such as picking up flower arrangements that fallen over, or preventing a fight between to great aunts who don’t like where they’ve been seated.
  •        Take photos during the reception, if asked.
  •        Help get the guests dancing, and mingle to keep people happy

Post-Reception Tasks
  •        Help clean up after the reception, if needed.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Avoid Unexpected Wedding Crashers

Whether its parents bringing their misbehaving children, or your fifth cousin expecting to bring a date just so they aren't alone... the trick to avoiding these wedding "crashers" is simple...

On the RSVP card state how many seats you will be "reserving" for them at the reception.

For example, "We have reserved ____ seats in your name."

Just fill in the card and and mail out... No unexpected guests allowed!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Five Ways to Save

Save a significant amount of money with just these five tips!

1. Cut the Guest list (can save up to $200 per person!)

2. Cut out Liquor - instead go for one signature drink plus beer and wine

3. Skip Flower girls bouquets - use alternatives (see an upcoming post for more ideas)

4. Order a 2 tiered cake - then cut up a sheet cake in the back

5. Used digital printing for stationary (saves about $1000!)

For more tips like this visit

How to Go Green!

Heres a few tips on what and how to go green with your wedding!

1. Rings: choose recycled metal or heirloom jewelry

2. Favors: use bio-degraedeable packaging

3. Dress: try out organic cotton

4. Transportation: a bicycle built for two or a hybrid car

5. Decor: rocks and moss

6. Invitations: recycled paper

7. Centerpieces: Pottend plants

8. Menu: locally grown produce

9. Site: marry locally not far away

*Information was adapted from the BRIDES December 2010 issue