Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Host a Mark show and get $20 in FREE products!

How awesome is this???

Host a mark show with me (either in your home or a book show) and have sales of $100 or more and get $20 in FREE products (of your choice!)

But hurry because this offer's only good until February 28th.

Heres the two ways to host a show:

Home Show:

  • host a show in your home
  • send me a guest list with names, emails, addresses and phone numbers - ill send out invitations via email and mail
  • let your friends know about your party - just talk about it with them
  • ill bring my makeup kit (full of over $300 worth of makeup products and samples) and let you and your friends try and sample the products
  • place orders with me that night with check or credit card
  • ill get or ship the products to you (along with some mark bags) and you can get them to your friends.
  • after $100 in sales has been reached... youll get to choose your $20 in FREE Products!

Book Show:
  • have a book show by passing out catalogs
  • ill send you several mark magalogs (each with order forms and directions and some mark samples) that you can pass out to your friends
  • follow up with those you gave magalogs to about 2 weeks after you pass them out
  • collect the orders (with cash, check, or credit card information) OR they can place an order online with credit card at my mark website
  • send me a list of people you gave magalogs to (phone numbers, email and address - so that i can track those who place orders online)
  • after $100 in sales has been reached ... you'll get to choose your $20 in free products!

See...its that easy... and the makeup will sell its-self! ... 

mark is endorsed by actress Ashley Greene!

Contact me: